Journey Through Space-Are We Alone

Frank West Freelance Journalist Tuesday, January 18th 2022 Since the dawn of time humans have been obsessed with the stars and galaxies, we’ve constantly asked ourselves for thousands of years whether or not we are truly alone in our gigantic galaxy and universe. In modern times and with sophisticated technology we were able to obtain […]

Astronomers Discover A New Super Earth Exo Planet

Destiny Allajandra Investigative Journalist Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 02:00pm pst A new super-Earth exoplanet has been discovered by astronomers last week, these space watchers are now calling the newly discovered exoplanet “TOI-561b”. Astronomers believe that TOI-561B is a metal-poor planet and is believed to be located in the Milky-Way. Not only did they discover another […]